
Complete, For a Moment
Last night,
just before sleep
it seemed you
were between us --
each with an arm
around you, at
shoulder and waist.
You were content,
and slept smiling
as I watched
the two of you
feeling whole.
- Category: Poetry
- Hits: 3010
Becoming Daddy
in the front seat
of a white Dodge
up the hill from
the U.R.I campus;
Daddy to you
that November night --
suddenly --
a smile, a kiss
and if I wasn't yours
it became inevitable.
- Category: Poetry
- Hits: 3127
Sorrow, so like a knife and on its edge
I am alive, like at no other time;
Suddenly as if knocked from a ledge,
Caught by it beyond all reason and rhyme.
Every thing so bright through a prism of tears,
I awake to thunder, just the sound of my heart:
Then silence becomes the sound of fear --
Even in the dark I could see this part.
No man ever loved who never took
a risk to his heart, no matter how keen;
Naked in his eyes he carries the look
A man's soul laid bare by all he's seen.
Though I know how love may bring me to pain,
Willingly would I do it all again.
- Category: Poetry
- Hits: 2906
The Promise of Reunion
Van sang of romance 'neath October skies,
and surely there was that to share;
I spoke of November's coming and reunion,
and sweeter it could not have been.
But what of true winter's passions?
No poet or seer could have foretold
the fire that lit those longest nights.
The Bard made of parting: sweet sorrow,
but little ado of the moment of return.
It seems for us, an inevitable dance:
this sweet sorrow and then joyous release --
a wondrous thing to be defined by:
the promise of reunion.
- Category: Poetry
- Hits: 2289
November's Gone
November's come and gone,
Yuletide, too;
but still our thoughts
are with you --
your smile and shy laugh
when you answer
that question...
four words left on
voice mail
listened to bolster
the heart.
- Category: Poetry
- Hits: 2539