Prayer to Mary and the Archangel Michael
I will praise Thee, O God, in the sight of Thy Angels.
O Mary Immaculate, great Queen of Heaven and earth and our gentle advocate, we beg Thee to intercede for us. Pray God to send St. Michael and the holy Angels to ward off all the obstacles contrary to the reign of the Sacred Heart in our souls, our families, our country and in the whole world. And thou, O holy Michael, Prince of the Heavenly hosts, chief among the archons of this world, from our hearts we beg thee to come to our aid. Sovereign Principalities, you who are the Princes of Nations, we beseech you to guard our country effectively, that it may realize God’s designs in its regard. St. Michael, the Archangel, and all ye Holy Angels, protect us in our combats, that we may not perish in the tremendous judgment of God.
attribtuion unknown, taken from RuneSoup
Prayer for the Dead to Hermes Psychopompos
Gentle Hermes, most kind,
friend of man and woman,
guide to Orpheus and Eurydice
and protector of Persephone;
you come to each of us
as we begin our descent,
prithee come in comely form
to those who know Thee not.
May thy commanding staff
be a symbol of comfort
for those afraid to loose
these mortal bonds.
Hermes Pscyhopompos,
I pray for my honored dead
but also the lost and the lonely,
for the wandering spirits
and all who set their feet
upon the dark road.
Hermes Psychopompos, Psychogogue,
be a constant and gentle guide
to all those whom you lead.
Invocation of Hekate
Come! Hekate, giantess, Dione’s guard, Persia, Baubo, Phroune, arrow-shooter, unconquered, Lydian, indomitable noble-born torch-bearing queen! You who are the bender of proud necks; O Kore, hear me parter of the adamantine gates, O Hekate-Artemis guardian and Great one. You are the mistress who bursts forth from the earth, leader of dogs and all powerful lady of the crossroads – Einodia! O triple-headed light-bringer and sacred virgin, I invoke you, fawn-slayer, astute-one, infernal Aidonia, you of many forms.
Come, Hekate, of the three ways, you who with your fire-breathing phantoms oversee the dreaded paths and harsh enchantments.
Come Hekate, I invoke you with those who have untimely perished and those heroes who have died wifeless and childless, whose souls hiss wildly with yearning hearts.
Come Hekate with your legions of the restless dead and make all spirits subject unto me: so that every spirit of the firmament and of the ether; upon the earth and under the earth; on dry land or in the water; of whirling air or of rushing fire; and every spell and scourge of these vast Cosmos be obedient unto me.
But you, Oh Hekate, of many names, virgin, maiden; come Goddess! I invoke you guardian of favor and of shelter. O Hekate-Persephone, triple-faced, fire-walker, cow-eyed, BOUORPhORBÊ, PANPhORBA, PhORBARA • AKTIÓPhI ERESChIGAL NEBOUTOSOUALÊTh • You who stands beside the gates PUPULÊDEDEZÓ and you who are the gate-breaker.
Come, Hekate, of flaming council, I invoke you with these incantations.
Rise now from the liminal shadows to empower my magic and guide forth my intent from the depths of the oceans to the heights of the heavens, that my desires may manifest here upon this earth.
Come Hekate, hear me and make all spirits subject unto me: so that every spirit of the firmament and of the ether; upon the earth and under the earth; on dry land or in the water; of whirling air or of rushing fire; and every spell and scourge of these vast Cosmos be obedient unto me.
THENÔB TITHELÊB ÊNÔR TENTHÊNÔR. Many-named One, KYZALEOUSA PAZAOUS. Wherefore, KALLIDÊCHMA and PSAB of unresting burning fire and Orion and Michael seated above. You who hold power over the seven waters and the earth! You who are the summoner of the great serpent
IÔ all-dominator and IÔ all-protector.IÔ all-nurturer. ZÊLACHNA and SAAD SABIÔTHE NOUMILLON NATHOMEINA always KEINÊTH, brave THÊSEUS ONYX, prudent DAMNAMENEUS, O avenging web-spinning goddess, mistress of the dead – Nekuia, Persia, SEBARA AKRA.
Together we stand at this crossroad between the realm of the living and the kingdom of the dead. At this place that is not a place, at this time that is not a time, in this world that is not a world. We are filled with power that whensoever we call upon any of the spirits of this earth and of dead that they come swiftly and appear before us without deformity and without delay – visibly and affably speaking unto us with a clear voice – intelligible and without any ambiguity, answering our questions and manifesting our desires.
translation from the orignal Greek and the PGM plus original work by Leonardo at Voces Magicae
Inimicus Dei Constituitur