Fragments from The Boy Wonder Years

Ganymede's Kiss

Never take away your kisses,
they taste of sweet smoke
and golden apples --
your lips the cup
handsome Ganymede.

Ganymede's Smile

I've been dreaming
Of you for days --
You're always smiling
In these dreams,
As if you know 
I can't find mine
And lend me yours.

Ganymede's Kiss II

If your kiss is what you will give,
then I will take all that you offer and count myself a king among men,
rich as Croesus with the untold treasure
from your lips.

Ganymede's Touch

Do you remember the time
I took your hand in mine
and said: 'I will never let go'?

Dreams of Ganymede

I could do with
a new dream of you --
one where we're together
and smiling,
and your hand
leaves mine.